Monday, October 1, 2007


I'm reading a new book, Success with People by Cavett Robert.

This quote ties in so closely with a recent conversation that I just had to post it here;
on page 64 - "To meet with any measure of success in this life, we must have the gift of dissatisfaction. We must want circumstances to be better than they are now. If we are completely satisfied with our present state of life, and with everything that surrounds us, the pilgrimage has ended for us and we have already settled in our little city of compromise. We are then bogged down in the quicksands of complacency, lost in the sterile valley of inertia, and frozen in the ices of status quo. It is only through divine discontent that we keep moving forward."

So that's what's wrong with me! I'm discontent! I hope it's my "holy discontent".

My son and I attended a Leadership Summit a while back at NorthRidge Church. It was a simulcast from Willow Creek. Bill Hybels spoke about "holy discontent" and he referenced Popeye; "That's alls I can stands, and I can't stands no more." He meant; "what is it that you see happening in this world that tears at you?" More importantly, what are you going to do about it?

It reminds me of the Scott Krippayne song, "What Breaks Your Heart"
Want to get to know You better
I want to understand what matters to You
I want to know what moves You deeply
I want to see the world the way You do

What breaks Your heart
What makes You cry
What would I see
If I looked through Your eyes
I want to grow closer and closer to You
'Til what breaks Your heart
Will break mine too

Don't want to be numb to injustice
Don't want to get used to the evil I see
Don't want to grow cold to those who wander
Or forget about those who don't believe

That's what I want!

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